Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our project's facilities

1.     Permission: the doctors, the nurses and the residents have a different permission which can be specified when entering the username and the password.

2.     Scheduling: Our dental system displays the weekly schedule of the dental department.

Two options are provided:

- Generate button: adds a new week in the schedule and switches between morning and     evening shifts every Thursday.
- Edit shift button: enables to modify the shift’s starting and ending time.

3.     Camera: it enables the doctor to monitor the number of the patients in the waiting room.

4.     3D professional Dental Chart: it enables the doctor to select the teeth that must be treated, the specific treated area, and the view of the tooth in both directions (upper and vertical).

5.     Medicine: in this facility, we provided a searching method which enables the doctor to enter the first letter of the medicine then a dropdown list appears including the medicine name , concentration, and type. Also, it enables the doctor to add notes and to save the data entered.

6.     Treatment : the doctor can choose a treatment name from the combo box then the picture of the treatment will appear attached with the instructions that must be followed. These instructions are bilingual and this depends on the selected language. Also, the doctor can add notes in case of using another treatment.

7.     Treatment history: it displays the treatments kind, the date, tooth num, the tooth area and the notes saved.

8.     Medical history: the doctor can select the medical history of the patient and save it.

9.     Job leaving permission and sick leave are provided bilingually.

10.                        Dental cases Gallery: enables the doctor to display the dental cases pictures in order to explain on them the patient’s case.

11.                        Patient’s report: it allows the doctor to print the patient’s report which includes patient’s name, civil ID, treating doctor, treatment and the pictures of the treatment.

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